Retrieval Commands

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Retrieval Commands

All commands listed below are sent as email messages to, with the command in the subject field (e.g. `Subject: help'). Only one command at a time is accepted.

The papers are kept in directories one for each year/month of the archive's operation. The year/month directories are specified in the format yymm. The first year/month of the bayes-an archive's operation was April 1995 (9504).

Returns list of year/month directories currently available.
list <yymm> ...
Returns title/author information of papers currently held for requested years and months, e.g. `list 9109'. Multiple year/months can be requested with a single command. For abstracts in addition to title and author information for papers from a given year and month, append .abs, e.g., `list 9109.abs 9110.abs'.
list macros
Returns a listing of available macros archived at the server.
list new
Sends the most recently sent title/author listing of papers received (typically from the previous day).

Multiple and mixed format requests are allowed, e.g., `list 9109 9110.abs macros new'.

get <paper#> ...
Returns paper specified by <paper#> (e.g. `get 9109001'). To retrieve the abstract alone, append .abs to <paper#> (e.g., `get 9109001.abs').

The get command defaults to the current year/month so that, e.g., during 10/91 `get 1 2 5' or `get 01 2 005' will automatically prepend 9110's and necessary zeroes to result in `get 9110001 9110002 9110005'. Numbers too large for the current year/month have the previous year/month prepended. The get command also defaults to the current year, e.g. `get 9005' during 1991 gives `get 9109005', and months/numbers too large for the current year default to the previous year.

Multiple papers can be requested (e.g., `get 3 2.abs 9108001').

get <macro package> ...
Archived macro packages and style files can also be retrieved with the `get' command, e.g., `get cl.sty'.

A single `get' command can be used to retrieve both papers and macros (e.g., `get 1 08005 2 55 harvmac.tex 9109058 2.abs').

cget <paper#> ...
Same as `get' but cuts files into multiple parts of size < 100kb (195 blocks) to accommodate certain capricious or limited mail routers and to speed bitnet transmission.
find <search-string>
Search title/author list for (either author name or word in title, case insensitive) to retrieve paper#, e.g., `find goldstone'. Find command defaults to past 12 months. For earlier searches, use e.g. `find goldstone 91'.