An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Instructor:
- Prof. Carlos C. Rodriguez
- Office Hours:
- Tues., Wed. and Thurs. after lectures or by appointment on Weds..
- Text:
- Radford M. Neal, 1993. Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods.
Available online at and
Neal's MCMC package is now installed and accessible from any Unix machine
with access to the /home part of the tree directory. To
access the programs from your account just add the directory:
to your search path.
There is an
extensive documentation
with examples, available online. Use this User Friendly Window for 1D Metropolis.
A Virtual Monte Carlo Summer at State College, PA
If you don't get the fonts for the equations click here
- Lecture I:
Introduction, the basics of Monte Carlo Integration, and
the elements of statistical physics (part 1).
Links: [History
of Statistical Mechanics]
- Lecture II:
Statistical Physics (part 2), the original Metropolis Algorithm,
Simulated Annealing.
- Lecture III:
Bringing Metropolis to Statistics, Hastings generalization,
Component-wise Metropolis, Gibbs Sampler.
Links: [Gaussian sampler
with Unif(x-1,x+1) proposal]
- Lecture IV:
Being Exact: The essential Rejection Method
and the Acceptance Complement Method
Links: [Ke's Javascript
with histogram] [See the source and use his histogram()]
- Lecture V:
Examples of Applications of MCMC:
Statistical Inference and Combinatorial Optimization.
Reconstruction of a binary Image. Nonparametric Denstity
- Lecture VI:
MCMC Application: Neural Networks as a way to specify nonparametric
regression and classification models.
Links: [10 Lectures] by Kevin
[Brian Ripley's 8 year old but still cool paper]
- Lecture VII:
The Hybrid Monte Carlo Method: Hamiltonian Dynamics, Liouville's
Theorem, Leap-frog Discretization. The Non-Reversible Directed
- Lecture VIII:
Using the exponential and mixture connections in the space of
distributions for sampling. Appications: Thermodynamic integration,
The half Monty-Carlos Method for sampling from one distribution by
generating from another.
- In the Oven... IX,...,to be continued...?:
Overview of the theory of Markov Chains: Basic definitions, Invariant
Distributions, Ergodicity, Reversibility, Continuous Time Chains, Coupling,
examples. Convergence Theorems, examples. Propp and Wilson Algorithm and
Perfectly Random Sampling. The full Monty-Carlos.
Based on attendance and on a computer project assigned individually during
the first week of class and due before the end of the course.
JAVASCRIPT and HTML resources:
Netscape HTML Tag Reference
Netscape JavaScript Referenc
Netscape JavaScript Guide
HTML Goodies
JAVA Goodies
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On 7 Jun 1999, 16:53.