The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors have
taken a number of actions since being elected to office this past summer.
(A list of the members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors
follows this report.) These actions have been designed primarily to
allow ISBA to have an orderly transition to the new Constitution
which was approved by the membership at the time of the election.
The Constitution can be found at the ISBA home page:
and the Constitution Committee chaired by Jay Kadane is working on
a set of By-Laws that we expect will be placed before the membership
some time in 1997.
Among the actions of the Executive Committee and Board are the following:
- Terms of Office. The timing of terms of office is not clearly specified
in the Constitution. In anticipation of the new By-Laws, the Executive
Committee and Board voted to make
the terms of office coincide with the calendar
year. Thus the current officers and Board will hold office through 1997,
and those elected next year will take office officially on January 1 1998.
- The recent election included a Vice President but the Constitution
specifies no such position, and instead has a position of President Elect.
As part of the transition to the new Constitution, the Executive Committee,
with the approval of the Board, has converted the position of Vice
President to that of President Elect. This means that M.J.(Susie) Bayarri
is now President-Elect, and will succeed the President in that office.
- The Constitution specifies that the Secretary (called the Executive
Secretary under the Constitution) and Treasurer should have staggered 3-year
terms. To allow for a transition it was decided that the current Secretary's
term will therefore end December 1997,
with a replacement to be elected for a full
3-year term, and the current Treasurer's term will run through December 1998.
- Change of the Title of the Board. An International Board of Advisors
was elected but the Constitution specifies a Board of Directors, with
somewhat different duties. The Executive Committee voted to change the
title of the elected Board and to work with it during the coming year
as the Board of Directors specified in the Constitution. A new Board
will be chosen in the next election with appropriately staggered terms of
office as specified in the Constitution.
- Formation of a Program Council. This council will be in charge of
scheduling ISBA conferences and meetings, and all related publications.
The members are: Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University, USA (Chair),
John Geweke, University of Minnesota, USA (Past Chair) and Mark Steel,
Tilburg University, The Netherlands (Vice Chair). The Vice Chair will
take over the duties previously held by the chair of the publications
committee. In particular, this involves organizing the material for
ISBA submissions for the Joint ASA/ISBA Bayesian Proceedings volume
published annually.
- Frank R. Kleinbergen of the University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
was chosen as the next editor of the ISBA Newsletter, for a 2-year term
beginning January 1, 1996. The Executive Committee and the Board commend
Jeffrey Dorfman for the outstanding job he has done as Newsletter editor.
- Creation of ISBA regional chapter in India (organized by J.K. Ghosh)
and a chapter in Chile (organized by Pilar Iglesias).
These are the first approved regional chapters of ISBA.
Currently, there are no ISBA by-laws specifying the
existence of chapters and no rules for how they
should be handled. Thus the Executive Committee has authorized
the India and Chile chapters for 1997, and hopes to have a
an interim plan in place soon. The arrangements
for chapters will then be revisited by the Constitution Committee,
which will ultimately report to the Board and the membership
with what we expect will be more formal arrangements in the
form of proposed by-laws.
- Dues were set at $25 per year for 1997, and the Executive Committee
decided to have individual dues statements sent out to the members.
Executive Committee:
President: Steve Fienberg
President Elect: Susie Bayarri
Past President: Arnold Zellner
Secretary: Larry Wasserman
Treasurer: Rob McCulloch
Board of Directors:
Mark Berliner, Jose Bernardo, John Deely
Dani Gamerman, Alan Gelfand, Ed George
Luis Pericchi, Mike West, Robert Wolpert
Arnold Zellner, Jim Zidek, Donald A. Berry
Program Committee:
Alicia Carriquiry (chair), John Geweke, Mark Steel
Newsletter Editor: Jeffrey H. Dorfman
Newsletter Editor Elect: Frank R. Kleibergen
Webmaster: Carlos Rodriguez