Another service from Omega



by O'Hara 
I am not a painter, I am a poet. 
Why? I think I would rather be 
a painter, but I am not. Well,
for instance, Mike Goldberg 
is starting a painting. I drop in. 
"Sit down and have a drink" he 
says. I drink; we drink. I look 
up. "You have SARDINES in it." 
"Yes, it needed something there."
"Oh." I go and the days go by 
and I drop in again. The painting 
is going on, and I go, and the days 
go by. I drop in. The painting is 
finished. "Where's SARDINES?" 
All that's left is just
letters, "It was too much," Mike says.
But me? One day I am thinking of 
a color: orange. I write a line 
about orange. Pretty soon it is a 
whole page of words, not lines. 
Then another page. There should be 
so much more, not of orange, of 
words, of how terrible orange is 
and life. Days go by. It is even in 
prose, I am a real poet. My poem 
is finished and I haven't mentioned 
orange yet. It's twelve poems, I call 
it ORANCES. And one day in a gallery 
I see Mike's painting, called SARDINES.
mrFed87: hey
mrFed87: you there?
mrFed87 is idle at 11:54:12 AM.
mrFed87 signed off at 12:04:26 PM.
mrFed87 signed on at 12:04:44 PM.
zeugirdoRC: hey
mrFed87 is no longer idle at 12:07:49 PM.
mrFed87: skype
mrFed87: ?
zeugirdoRC: ok
mrFed87: hold on though, i need to get the mic
zeugirdoRC: hold on I need my passwd
mrFed87: ok i'm ready
zeugirdoRC: wait
zeugirdoRC: ok call
mrFed87: ?
mrFed87: cmon
mrFed87: you have to answer
zeugirdoRC: try again
mrFed87: why don tyou call me
mrFed87: try that
zeugirdoRC: what's your name?
mrFed87: mrfed87
mrFed87 is idle at 3:51:09 PM.
mrFed87 is no longer idle at 3:58:29 PM.
zeugirdoRC: did you finish the paper?
mrFed87: nope
zeugirdoRC: are you working on it?
mrFed87: sort of
mrFed87: i cant think of anything
mrFed87: its a difficult poem
zeugirdoRC: then leave it for a while... do some math with me... then go back to it
mrFed87: i need to be inspired to be able to write anything good about it
mrFed87: haha
mrFed87: no
mrFed87: i need to do it
zeugirdoRC: forget inspiration... just start doing it.. then the insp comes
mrFed87: haha
mrFed87: what do you think about it
zeugirdoRC: show me
mrFed87: Why I am Not A Painter
by O'Hara 
I am not a painter, I am a poet. 
Why? I think I would rather be 
a painter, but I am not. Well,
for instance, Mike Goldberg 
is starting a painting. I drop in. 
"Sit down and have a drink" he 
says. I drink; we drink. I look 
up. "You have SARDINES in it." 
"Yes, it needed something there."
"Oh." I go and the days go by 
and I drop in again. The painting 
is going on, and I go, and the days 
go by. I drop in. The painting is 
finished. "Where's SARDINES?" 
All that's left is just
letters, "It was too much," Mike says.
But me? One day I am thinking of 
a color: orange. I write a line 
about orange. Pretty soon it is a 
whole page of words, not lines. 
Then another page. There should be 
so much more, not of orange, of 
words, of how terrible orange is 
and life. Days go by. It is even in 
prose, I am a real poet. My poem 
is finished and I haven't mentioned 
orange yet. It's twelve poems, I call 
it ORANCES. And one day in a gallery 
I see Mike's painting, called SARDINES.

zeugirdoRC: a beat!
mrFed87: yeah
mrFed87: a beat who makes no freakin sense
zeugirdoRC: well....
zeugirdoRC: yeah... it's pretty freaking cryptic
mrFed87: yeah
mrFed87: so thats why it takes me forever
mrFed87: i need to write two pages on it
zeugirdoRC: have you tried googling O'Hara and the beatnik movement...
mrFed87: yep
zeugirdoRC: too much blabla I bet
zeugirdoRC: I think O'Hara was out of all closets (or at least he tried to be)
zeugirdoRC: Remember this was the 1950s !!! when every one in America was a good guy and a housewife
mrFed87: nah doesnt matter so much
mrFed87: its about the transition between image and art
mrFed87: between ideas and art
zeugirdoRC: cool
mrFed87: and its hard to read because its disconnected
mrFed87: just like ideas and art
mrFed87: the line breaks are very carfeully placed
mrFed87: he never really explains why hes not a painter
mrFed87: also, most importantly
mrFed87: SARDINES is a word written in mike goldberg's painting
mrFed87: the painter is taking a word and making an image
zeugirdoRC: and he is taking an image and making a poem
mrFed87: while the poet is taking a color (a painter's tool) and making words
mrFed87: i dont get this part hoguh
mrFed87: There should be so much more, not of orange, of words, of how terrible orange is and life.
mrFed87: yeah
mrFed87: i just start thinking
mrFed87: and cant think of anything
mrFed87: i dont have enough
mrFed87: i dont get enough of it
zeugirdoRC: O'Hara's poetry is OPEN
zeugirdoRC: he said it himself
mrFed87: yeah, its orise
mrFed87: prose
zeugirdoRC: the beats started that
zeugirdoRC: no Poets in the Olympus....
zeugirdoRC: no ridiculus metric rules
zeugirdoRC: just regular language ...but non-trivial meaning
zeugirdoRC: they liberated poetry from the ivory tower
zeugirdoRC: ok now I get it
mrFed87: hit me
zeugirdoRC: it is clearly 2-parts
zeugirdoRC: paint-poem
mrFed87: yeah'
zeugirdoRC: it is about the process of creativity
zeugirdoRC: a counter point between painting and writing poetry
zeugirdoRC: the painter "knows" that the paint "it needed something there"...
mrFed87: but then he takes it away
zeugirdoRC: the poet "knows" ... "there should be so much more.. not of orange.."
mrFed87: in both pieces, the poem and the painting, the orignial subject matter is erased
mrFed87: just like this piece of art
mrFed87: because he never expalins "why hes not a painter"
mrFed87: but i dont get it then
mrFed87: is ohara saying that what originally inspires isnt important?
zeugirdoRC: ... I'm thinking... and reading
zeugirdoRC: check this out:
zeugirdoRC: Perfect!
zeugirdoRC: you can even read "SARDINES" and EXIT at the top
mrFed87: yeah
zeugirdoRC: and sardines he writes SARDINES just like in the picture
mrFed87: yeah, its not a word anymore
mrFed87: its an image
zeugirdoRC: It is not true that he doesn't explain why is not a painter but that he is a poet.
zeugirdoRC: Why? I think I would rather be // a painter, but I am not. Well,
zeugirdoRC: he is a good poet. He proves it with that line
mrFed87: how so
zeugirdoRC: Because he explains why he is not a painter and why he is a poet.
zeugirdoRC: He is not a painter because HE THINKS HE WOULD RATHER BE// a painter
zeugirdoRC: and because he wrote THAT he is a poet
mrFed87: dont getit
zeugirdoRC: well to beging with , he doesn't paint.
zeugirdoRC: BUT he writes that "he thinks he would rather be// a painter..."
zeugirdoRC: if you think you would rather be whatever you are not that whatever
zeugirdoRC: but as you said the break of the line is important.... he thinks he would rather BE //
zeugirdoRC: that's the business of a good poet...
mrFed87: what is? being?
zeugirdoRC: yeah
zeugirdoRC: and to think that "I would rather be"
zeugirdoRC: and to write "I think I would rather be"
zeugirdoRC: By the way I just read other poems by him... from the book ("The beat poets") that we have....
mrFed87: he good/
zeugirdoRC: and I noticed that in almost all of them he makes references to painting and painters
mrFed87: yeah
zeugirdoRC: and even ORANGE
mrFed87: you read it?
zeugirdoRC: what?
zeugirdoRC: One important subject that's touched in the poem is the temporality of the creative procces.... It is a PROCCESSSS (2s and 2c?)
mrFed87: what do you mean by temporaliyu
zeugirdoRC: a procces in time
zeugirdoRC: one thing takes to the next and grows and shrinks in time
zeugirdoRC: the same happens with SARDINES and with ORANGES
zeugirdoRC: that's cool
zeugirdoRC: with painting and with poetry
zeugirdoRC: with math and cs
mrFed87: what do you mean one thing grows
mrFed87: one idea?
zeugirdoRC: yes and the canvas itself.
mrFed87: explain yourself
zeugirdoRC: Remember he describes the evolution of the painting
mrFed87: yeah
zeugirdoRC: t=tinit to t=tfinal
zeugirdoRC: the painting evolves from no SARDINES to too much SARDINES to just some SARDINES letters... idem with the poem about ORANGES
zeugirdoRC: and so ...tic,tac,toe goes life...,"I go and the days go by..."
zeugirdoRC: Mike Goldberg is a painter. He produces SARDINES.// Frank O'Hara is a poet. He produces ORANGES.
mrFed87: ok ok
mrFed87: but i still dont understand, why the original idea, the source of inspiration, is not in the poem
mrFed87: because it hink it is
mrFed87: it jsut isnt explicitly stated
zeugirdoRC: but maybe the source of inspiration does not matter. What matters is the process of creation.... "just rather be", "just do it!" as Nike says.
zeugirdoRC: This is a pretty cool poem actually
mrFed87: yeah
mrFed87: source not important eh
zeugirdoRC: nope
mrFed87: but in ezra pounds poem, a staion in the metro
mrFed87: he sees this incredible image
mrFed87: and he puts it to words
zeugirdoRC: Doesn't matter SARDINES or ORANGES
mrFed87: and he re-creates the image
mrFed87: in words
mrFed87: the source is very important there
mrFed87: so i dont get it
zeugirdoRC: Well, Ezra \noequal O'Hara
mrFed87: no, wrong answer
mrFed87: both are good poets
mrFed87: no one is better than the other
zeugirdoRC: I didn't say that
zeugirdoRC: cool it
zeugirdoRC: how do yo do the italics so quickly?
mrFed87: o'hara's poem, if its good, must apply universally
mrFed87: ctrl-i
zeugirdoRC: thks
zeugirdoRC: I'm not sure
zeugirdoRC: what's good?
zeugirdoRC: who says it is good?
mrFed87: i left my shoes there
zeugirdoRC: where?
mrFed87: at home, or in the car
mrFed87: one of the two
zeugirdoRC: haha
mrFed87: i need my shoes and my razor
zeugirdoRC: chaise
zeugirdoRC: which shoes
mrFed87: my hiking shoes
zeugirdoRC: hmmm
zeugirdoRC: I'll look for them
zeugirdoRC: buy another razor... but a good one
zeugirdoRC: but Do NOT buy another pair of shoes
mrFed87: i'm going to dinner
zeugirdoRC: I'm hungry 2
zeugirdoRC: hungry^2
mrFed87: hhaa
mrFed87: k
mrFed87: well
mrFed87: eat then
zeugirdoRC: bon apetit
zeugirdoRC: a la Francaise
zeugirdoRC: it is probably all spelled WRONG

Carlos Rodriguez <>
Last modified: 02-08-28