The SDThe SD measures the spread about the AVE. To compute the SD you need to:
RMS = Root-Mean-Square
SD = Typical-Deviation-from-AVEEXAMPLEConsider the following list |
> L := -1,3,6,9,13;
L := -1, 3, 6, 9, 13
Let's follow each of the three steps (given above) to compute the SD. |
> AVE := (-1 + 3 + 6 + 9 + 13)/5;
AVE := 6
The list of DEVIATIONS from the AVE is obtained by substracting the AVE from each entry of the original list, |
> Dev := -1-AVE, 3-AVE, 6-AVE, 9-AVE, 13-AVE;
Dev := -7, -3, 0, 3, 7
Now the SD will be RMS of the list above. To compute the RMS we take the Squareroot-of-the-Mean-of-the-Squares... |
> RMS := sqrt(((-1-AVE)^2+(3-AVE)^2+(6-AVE)^2+(9-AVE)^2+(13-AVE)^2)/5.);
RMS := 4.816637832
And this RMS is the value of the SD.
SD = 4.8 |