

maple2html - Maple to Html translator


USAGE: maple2html maplefile "The Title"


maple2html translator. The file containing the emacs maple output is given as an argument. It creates the file maplefile.html with the html-ized translation of maplefile. It also creates the file maplefile.mpl with all the maple commands in maplefile. Here is what the program does:

1) Each line that starts with a ">" is assumed to be a Maple command. It is written out according to $FONT to the .html file and saved into the .mpl file. 2) Everything that follows a line with a maple command until the next line starting with either ">" or "#" is written as it is (preformatted) to the .html file. 3) A line that starts with a "#" is assumed to be the first line of a text block which ends at the next line starting with either ">" or "#". This block of text is formatted in a table with a right margin.


4) A line that starts with "!" is assumed to contain the the filename of an image to be included at that point


5) A line that starts with "> gif" is assumed to be a "gif" maple command. A gif command has the following syntax: > gif( AnyMaplePlotCommand, `foo.gif` ); The first argument to gif could be ANY maple command that generates a plot or plot3d structure. Here is an example: > gif(plot3d(x^2+y,x=-1..1,y=-1..1,axes=frame), `apic.gif`); The gif command (see code below) saves the image generated by the maple plot command in 'gif' format into the file given as second argument to the gif command (apic.gif in the example). The translator isolates the maple plot command saves it into the .html and .mpl files and transforms the gif file given as second argument into maplefilen.gif (where n is 1,2,...) with white background and links this image in the .html file.

ADD TO your ~/.mapleinit

You need to add the following to your ~/.mapleinit: x11 := proc() plotsetup(x11); plots[display](args[1]); end: gif := proc() plotsetup(gif,plotoutput = args[2]); plots[display](args[1]); end:


6) The last character of the maplefile must be ">". If the progam does not return chances are you forgot the last maple prompt in the file.


This program works best with the companion Maple2Html emacs mode. A copy of this mode can be found at:


Many examples of maplefiles, and stuff generated by this program can be found at: Look under Lectures with URLs with filenames of the form filename-m2h.


If you have an account in the cluster with access to the /math directories you only need to modify your shell,man, and emacs paths to use these programs. Send me email if you need help.


Carlos Rodriguez <>

Last update: Wed Oct 16 15:53:21 EDT 1996