Istanbul, Turkey August 16-18, 1997
LocationThe Fifth World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) will be held in Istanbul Turkey during August 16-18, 1997 as a satellite meeting to the 51st Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) in Istanbul.The meeting will be residential and take place in Istanbul Polat Renaissance Hotel which is a five star hotel 15km's from the center of the city. The meeting runs from Saturday, August 16 to Monday August, 18 (noon). The participants are expected to arrive in Istanbul on the evening of Friday, August 15. The ISI meeting starts in Istanbul immediately after the ISBA meeting. Program CommitteeHamparsum Bozdogan (The University of Tennesse, USA), Co-ChairRefik Soyer (The George Washington University, USA), Co-Chair Jose Bernardo (University of Valencia, Spain) Roger Cooke (Delft University, Netherlands) Petros Dellaportas (Athens University, Greece) David Dowe (Monash University, Australia) William Fitzgerald (University of Cambridge, UK) Edward George (University of Texas-Austin, USA) Ulku Gurler (Bilkent University, Turkey) Julia Mortera (University of Rome, Italy) Wolfgang Polasek (University of Basel, Switzerland) Nick Polson (University of Chicago, USA) Kazuo Shigemasu (University of Tokyo, Japan) Ehsan Soofi (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Isabella Verdinelli (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Mike West (Duke University, USA) ORGANIZING COMMITTEEUlku Gurler (Bilkent University, Turkey), ChairAlaattin Erkanli (Duke University, USA) Omer Gebizlioglu (Turkish State Statistical Institute, Turkey) Suleyman Ozekici (Bogazici University, Turkey) Mehmet Sahinoglu (Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey) Refik Soyer (The George Washington University, USA) Yalcin Tuncer (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) CALL FOR PAPERSThe scientific program will consist of invited, contributed and poster paper sessions. The Program Committee is inviting contributed papers which will be assigned to regular and poster sessions. Authors of contributed papers should send (or e-mail) a title and a short abstract to one of the Program Committee Co-Chairs no later than February 15, 1997.Hamparsum Bozdogan Department of Statistics The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-0532, USA Tel:(423) 974-1635 Fax:(423) 974-2490 E-mail: Refik Soyer Department of Management Science, Monroe Hall 403 The George Washington University Washington, DC 20052, USA Tel: (202) 994-6445 Fax: (202) 994-4930 E-mail: REGISTRATION AND PAYMENTSPlease complete the enclosed meeting and residence registration forms and mail them with your check in US$, payable to "George Washington University-ISBA 97", to:Refik Soyer Department of Management Science, Monroe Hall 403 The George Washington University Washington, DC 20052, USA Please mail the forms before May 1, 1997 to guarantee hotel registration. Reservations after this date are subject to availability. MEETING REGISTRATION FORM Name:_______________________________________________ Adress:_______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_____________________ Fax:___________________________ E-mail:________________________ Registration Fee (please check one): ___$50 (for ISBA Members) ___$75 (for nonmembers, which includes $25 ISBA membership) RESIDENCE REGISTRATION FORM Name:_______________________________________________ Adress:_______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_____________________ Fax:___________________________ E-mail:________________________ Hotel Reservation Arrival Date:_________________________ Departure Date:_______________________ Name of accompanying person, if any:_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Please mark your selection: ___Single Room: $ 405 ___Double Room: $ 355 (per person) The residence fee includes 3 nights accomodation, all meals, transfer from the airport to the hotel, a local tour on Saturday, August 16, a Gala dinner on the Bosphorus with a boat cruise on Sunday, August 17 and all taxes. Additional nights of stay can be arranged by contacting OTARI Tours: OTARI Tours Kalipci sok. No. 119/10 80200 Tesvikiye, Istanbul TURKEY Fax: 90-212-248 3110 Tel: 90-212-234 4580 |