Lecture VI

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An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Lecture VI

Lecture VI


Neural Networks as a way to specify nonparametric regression and classification models.

Feed Forward Neural Nets Models

Feed forward Neural Nets are also known as multilayer perceptrons or backpropagation networks. The figure shows a network with a layer of 4 hidden units.

Figure 1: A Feed Forward Network

The outputs are computed from the following formulas,

bk +
vjk hj(x)
tanh(aj +
uij xi )

where {aj},{bk},{uij},{vjk} are the parameters of the network. The parameters with one index are known as biases and those with two indeces are known as weights. We assume that x = (x1,¼,xd) Î Rd, h(x) = (h1(x),¼,hl(x)) Î Rl, g(x) = (g1(x),¼,gp(x)) Î Rp. The hyperbolic tangent,

tanh(z) = sinh(z)
= ez-e-z
= 1-e-2z

Figure 2: Hyperbolic Tangent

is an example of a sigmoid function. A sigmoid is a non-linear function, s(z), that goes through the origin, approaches +1 as z®¥ and approaches -1 as z® -¥.

It is known since 1989 (only) that as the number of hidden units increases, any function defined on a compact set can be approximated by linear combinations of sigmoids.

Multilayer perceptrons are often used as flexible models for nonparametric regression and classification. Given data,

(x(1),y(1)), (x(2),y(2)),¼, (x(n),y(n))

y(k) = g(x(k),q) + e(k)

e(1),e(2),¼,e(n) are iid with  Ee(k) = 0
Hence, the g is the regression of y on x, i.e.,

E(y | x,q) = g(x,q)  with  q Î Q
The multilayer perceptrons provide a practical way to define the functions g with high dimensional parameter spaces Q. We take q = { {aj},{bk},{uij},{vjk} }. The objective is to find the predictive distribution of a new target vector y, given the examples D = ((x(1),y(1)), (x(2),y(2)),¼,(x(n),y(n))) and the new vector of inputs x, i.e.,

f(y | x, D) = ó
f(y | x, q) p(q| D) dq
Under the assumption of quadratic loss, the best guess for y will be its mean,

= E(y | x,D) = ó
g(x,q) p(q|D) dq

These estimates can be approximated by MCMC by sampling q(1),¼,q(N) from the posterior and then computing empirical averages,


= 1
j = 1 

Useful Priors on Feed Forward Networks

In the absence of specific information, the following assumptions about the prior p(q) are reasonable,

  1. The components of q are independent and symmetric about 0.
  2. Parameters of the same kind have the same a priori distributions, i.e.,
    a1,a2,¼ iid 
    b1,b2,¼ iid 
    u1j,u2j,¼ iid for all   j
    v1k,v2k,¼ iid for all   k

With these assumptions if varp(vjk) = l-1s2v < ¥ then by the Central Limit Theorem, as l® ¥ the prior on the output units converges to a Gaussian process. Gaussian processess are characterized by their covariance functions and they are often considered innadequate for modeling complex inter-dependence of the outputs. To avoid the Gaussian trap, it is convenient to use a priori distributions for the components of q that have infinite variance.

A practical choice (used by Neal) is to take,

vjk as t-distribution  µ æ
1 + vjk2

 with  0 < a < 2
Furthermore, if the we take sv = wv l-1/a then the resulting prior will converge as l®¥ to a symmetric stable process of index a.

Recall that Z1,Z2,¼,Zn iid with distribution symmetric about 0 are said to be stable of index a if

Z1 + ¼+ Zn
 has the same law as   Z1
A distribution is said to be in the domain of attraction of a stable law if properly normalized sums of independent observations from this distribution, converge in law to a stable distribution. Hence, distributions with finite variance are in the domain of attraction of the Gaussians. It is also well known that distributions with tails going to zero as |x|-(a+1) as |x|®¥ are in the domain of attraction of stable laws of index a which justifies the choice of t-dist above.

Postulating an Energy for the Net

An alternative approach without priors (apparently...) is to postulate directly and Energy function for the network, e. g,

E(q,g) = 1
k = 1 
L(y(k),g(x(k),q)) + g||q||2
where L(y,z) is the assumed loss when we estimate y with z. Typical choices are L(y,z) = R(||y-z||) for some nondecreasing function R and some norm ||·||. Then choose q to minimize this Energy function. Often, the smoothness parameter g > 0 is chosen by Cross-Validation or by plain trial and error.

For complicated multi modal energy functions, a combination of simulated annealing with a classical gradient method (such as conjugate gradients) have been the most successful.

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