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Functions of Several Variables


The prototypical example of a function of several variables is the Temperature at each point in a closed room. Each point in the room can be labeled with its three coordinates in a given coordinated system with basis elements i,j,k. Here are some examples of functions of several variables defined in maple:

> T := (x,y,z) -> x^2+y^2+3*z^2;

                                          2    2      2
                         T := (x,y,z) -> x  + y  + 3 z

This could represent a temperature field in a room. For example the temperature at (0,1,-1) = j-k is

> T(0,1,-1);


The volume V of a circular cylinder of radius r and hight h is also a function of several variables, but in this case of only 2.

> V := (r,h) -> Pi*r^2*h;

                             V := (r,h) -> Pi r  h

As in the case of a vector function we can go back from an expression to the corresponding function by "unapply"-ing. For example:

> g := unapply(sqrt(9-x^2-y^2),x,y);

                                             2    2 1/2
                         g := (x,y) -> (9 - x  - y )

and we can now evaluate at different (x,y)'s with:

> z1 := g(2,1); z2 := g(-1,Pi);

                                   z1 := 4

                                            2 1/2
                               z2 := (8 - Pi )

Functions of two variables can be visualized as surfaces in 3D. For example

> z := g(x,y);

                                        2    2 1/2
                             z := (9 - x  - y )

can be seen as providing a rule for attaching a stick of length z to each point (x,y) in the circle of radius 3 centered at 0 on the xy-plane. We can look at it with:

> plot3d(z,x=-3..3,y=-3..3,axes=framed,color=green);

picture a picture here

Level Curves

The level curves of a function of two variables are the curves where the function takes a constant value. The level curves have equations:
f(x,y) = c
Here is an example with maple,

> z := x*exp(-x^2-y^2);

                                           2    2
                             z := x exp(- x  - y )

> with(plots):
> contourplot(z,x=-2..2,y=-2..2,grid=[49,49], color = z);
picture a picture here

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Carlos Rodriguez <>
Last modified: Mon Oct 7 21:07:41 EDT 1996