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Double Integrals: Defined


Recall the notion of a defined integral from Calc1. We denote by,

> A = Int(f(x),x=a..b);

                                A =  |  f(x) dx

the integral of the function f over de interval [a,b]. The number "A" is defined as a special limit and we say that the integral exists and has "A" as its value, when this special limit exists. The idea of integration is always the same. The integral of a function f over some set D (included in the domain of definition of f) is a limit and we say that the integral exists if this limit exists.

Riemann sums

The limit that defines an integral is of the same general form for all integrals no matter if the function is of one variable (as in calc1) or of several variables (as here in calc3). This is what it takes:
  • Split up the domain of integration D into little pieces D1, D2,... ,Dk
  • Take a point inside each little piece and evaluate the function there. Suppose f1, f2... ,fk are the values of the function at the point selected in piece D1, D2,... Dk.
  • Compute the Sum f1*d1+f2*d2+...+fk*dk where d1, are the sizes of the pieces D1,...,Dk.
  • Take the limit of the sums above, for finer and finer partitions, i.e. when the largest piece of the partition becomes smaller and smaller.
Here what we mean by "size" depends on the dimension we are in (or the number of variables of the function). In one dimension (when f is a function of a single variable, x, say) D is an interval and the little pieces have size equal to their length. In two dimensions (when f is a function of x and y) D is a rectangle and the pieces have size given by their area. In higher dimensions we'll have to consider volumes and even hyper-volumes for the sizes of the pieces.

Let's look at an example in two dimensions. Suppose that the function we want to integrate is:

> f := (x,y) -> 3*x^2+(y-2)^2+2: vf := f(x,y): 'f(x,y)' = f(x,y);

                                      2          2
                         f(x, y) = 3 x  + (y - 2)  + 2

and suppose further that we want to integrate this function over the rectangle R=[0,1]x[0,3]. This can be written as,

> Int('f',A) = Int( Int('f(x,y)',x=0..1),y=0..3);

                                     3   1
                          /          /   /
                         |          |   |
                         |  f dA =  |   |  f(x, y) dx dy
                         |          |   |
                        /          /   /
                        R          0   0

Maple can give you the answer right away with,

> Int( Int('f(x,y)',x=0..1),y=0..3) = int( int(f(x,y),x=0..1),y=0..3);

                             3   1
                             /   /
                            |   |
                            |   |  f(x, y) dx dy = 12
                            |   |
                           /   /
                           0   0

but let's see that this value is really the result of taking the limit of sums as defined above. The graph of the function f over the rectangle R looks like this,

> plot3d(vf,x=0..1,y=0..3,axes=frame);

picture a picture here

If we subdivide the rectangle of integration into three squares as shown in the figure below,
picture a picture here

then the Riemann sum associated to this partition is:

> Rsum1 := f(1/2,1/2)+f(1/2,3/2)+f(1/2,5/2);

                                  Rsum1 := 11

The following procedure computes the Riemann sum approximating the integral of a function f (which is an expression in x and y) over the rectangle R=[a,b]x[c,d]. Look at how to use this function after its definition below,

> ApproxInt2d := proc(f,xexpress,yexpress,n,m)
> local a,b,c,d,dx,i,j,dy;
> a := op(1,op(2,xexpress));
> b := op(2,op(2,xexpress));
> c := op(1,op(2,yexpress));
> d := op(2,op(2,yexpress));
> dx := evalf((b-a)/n);
> dy := evalf((d-c)/m);
> sum(sum(subs(x = a+(i-.5)*dx,y = c+(j-.5)*dy,f),i = 1 .. n),j = 1 .. m)*dx*dy
> end:

Let's try it first on the function f defined at the begining and see if we re-obtain Rsum1,

> Rsum1_Now := ApproxInt2d(f(x,y),x=0..1,y=0..3,1,3);

                                Rsum1_Now := 11.

Same thing!... so it looks ok. If we inprove the approximation by using now 6 rectangles (2 along x and 3 along y) we get:

> Rsum2 := ApproxInt2d(f(x,y),x=0..1,y=0..3,2,3);

                              Rsum2 := 11.56250000

and if we try to be cool and do:

> RS := proc(m,n) ApproxInt2d(f(x,y),x=0..1,y=0..3,m,n) end:

we can then look at how the sequence converges to its limit...

> RS(1,3), RS(2,3), RS(3,4), RS(10,10), RS(100,100);

            11., 11.56250000, 11.77604167, 11.97000000, 11.99970000

and to 12 it seems to go.

Iterated Integrals

Let us now use the RS proc above to demonstrate the fact that the double integral of f(x,y) over the rectangle R=[a,b]x[c,d] can be computed by integrating first with respect to y (taking x as if it were a constant.. like in partial derivatives remember?) and then integrate w.r.t. x the function of x that is obtained. In this way the computation of a double integral is reduced to computing two one dimensional (just as in calc1) integrals one after the other.

It is not difficult to see why the above method works. It is nothing but a computation of the Riemann sum, that is used to define the double integral, with the terms ordered in a different way. Look at the sequence of approximations that we generated above: 11, 11.56, 11.78,... etc. These numbers are the result of adding: 1*3=3, 2*3=6, 12, 100, and 10000 terms respectively. We are free to add the terms in each sum in any order we want, and as long as we add all of them the result will be the same. For example the 6 terms of the sum that produced 11.56 can be re-ordered as two terms each of them containing 3 numbers to be added. In other words, we fix one value for x and we add over all the values for y with that x fixed. Then we change the x to the next value and we again add over all the y's etc. Let's see what we get when x=1/2 and we increase the number of y's to add over:

> RS(1,3), RS(1,30), RS(1,60), RS(1,200), RS(1,2000);

            11., 11.24750000, 11.24937500, 11.24994375, 11.24999944

this seems to be going to 11.25
Notice that these numbers are approaching the limit that defines the integral,

> Int('f(1/2,y)',y=0..3) = Int(f(1/2,y),y=0..3);

                     3                  3
                     /                  /
                    |                  |                2
                    |  f(1/2, y) dy =  |  11/4 + (y - 2)  dy
                    |                  |
                   /                  /
                   0                  0

which in fact simplifies to:

> Int(f(1/2,y),y=0..3) = int(f(1/2,y),y=0..3);

                          |                2
                          |  11/4 + (y - 2)  dy = 45/4
> evalf(45/4);

if instead of fixing x=1/2 we let it be at a general x and we increase (as we did above when x was fixed at 1/2) the number of subdivisions on the y axis we obtain,

> Int(f(x,y),y=0..3) = int(f(x,y),y=0..3);

                      |     2          2             2
                      |  3 x  + (y - 2)  + 2 dy = 9 x  + 9

Notice that when x=1/2 we recover 45/4. So this says that for each value of x the sums over the y's (keeping x fixed) will approach the rhs of the above expression. To obtain the double integral we now need to add over all the x's and this will approach the value of the integral,

> Int(9*x^2+9,x=0..1) = int(9*x^2+9,x=0..1);

                               |     2
                               |  9 x  + 9 dx = 12

and we have shown that in this example (in fact this is always the case),

> #

                                           b      d                
                   /   /                   /  /   /           \   
                  |   |                   |  | 	 |             |  
                  |   |  f(x, y) dA   =   |  |	 |  f(x, y) dy | dx
                  |   |                   |  |	 |             |  
                 /   /                   /   |	/              |   
                   R                     a    \	c             /    

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Carlos Rodriguez <>
Last modified: Mon Nov 4 15:27:10 EST 1996