Another service from Omega

Two Planes, angle, line...



Find the angle between the planes x-y-z = 7 and x-2y+z=1.
Find the symmetric equations for the line of intersection L of these planes.

The two planes are:

> P1 := x-y-z=7; P2 := x-2*y+z=1;

                              P1 := x - y - z = 7

                             P2 := x - 2 y + z = 1

The normal vectors to these planes are:

> n1 := vector([1,-1,-1]); n2 := vector([1,-2,1]);

                              n1 := [ 1, -1, -1 ]

                               n2 := [ 1, -2, 1 ]

The angle "theta" between the planes is given by:

> theta := angle(n1,n2);

                                              1/2  1/2
                         theta := arccos(1/9 3    6   )

which in degrees is approximately

> evalf(convert(theta,degrees),3);

                                  61.9 degrees

The line of intersection of the two planes is:

> L := solve({P1,P2},{x,y,z});

                    L := {y = 2 z + 6, x = 3 z + 13, z = z}

from here we can sort out things to get the symmetric equations for L
(x-13)/3 = (y-6)/2 = (z-0)/1
Another way to find the line of intersection is to find a direction vector "v" and a position vector "a" for this line. We have,

> v := crossprod(n1,n2); a := subs(z=0,L);

                              v := [ -3, -2, -1 ]

                          a := {y = 6, x = 13, 0 = 0}

re-writing "a" in vector form as,

> a := vector([13,6,0]);

                               a := [ 13, 6, 0 ]

we can write the vector form for the Line as,

> Line := a + t*v;

                                Line := a + t v

or in component form,

> evalm(Line);

                           [ 13 - 3 t, 6 - 2 t, - t ]

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Carlos Rodriguez <>
Last modified: Tue Sep 24 09:39:48 EDT 1996