The Program Committee met in Capetown, South Africa, on December 1996. Present were Stephen Fienberg representing the ISBA Executive Committee, John Geweke, and Alicia Carriquiry. The main topics on the agenda were ISBA's upcoming meeting schedule in the short, medium, and long terms, and, more importantly, an operational procedure for establishing meeting schedules in the future. This report is an outgrowth of that meeting and subsequent correspondence among the members of the Program Committee.
ISBA sponsors or co-sponsors three types of meetings: (1) World meetings; (2) regional meetings; and (3) meetings primarily sponsored by other societies and co-sponsored by ISBA.
World meetings:
Recommendation 1: That ISBA hold World meetings every four years.
A four-year cycle would allow ISBA and Valencia meetings to alternate, providing one major Bayesian meeting every other year. The ISBA World meetings would then ``stand alone'' rather than be merely a ``satellite'' to another conference, as it has been so often in the past. ISBA World meetings have almost always been held in conjunction with other major meetings, and this has at least two disadvantages: (1) it diminishes the stature of ISBA's World meetings; (2) it imposes the burden on ISBA's delegates of having to choose whether to submit their paper to ISBA's World meeting or to the other major conference.
Recommendation 2: A. That ISBA's Program Committee solicit suggestions for future World meeting venues from the Membership. B. That accessibility and availability of local resources serve as selection criteria.
Recommendation 3: That funds be raised to increase participation of students, young researchers, and members from developing countries (including Eastern European countries) in ISBA World Meetings.
Regional meetings:
Recommendation 4: That the Program Committee inform the full membership that a request for meeting is to be submitted to ISBA when organizing Regional meetings.
The Executive Board should consider imposing a limitation on the number of Regional meetings that will be allowed per year.
Recommendation 5: That funding for Regional meetings will be the responsibility of the corresponding organizing committees.
ISBA has co-sponsored several meetings in the past. Two recent examples are the meeting in honor of Seymour Geisser, held in Taiwan in 1994, and the NSF-NBER Econometrics Seminar, Chicago, 1996. We are already committed to co-sponsoring the MaxEnt Workshop to be held in Boise, Idaho, in August 1997, and request for co-sponsorships have been received from the MaxEnt group for their next workshop, and from a member of the organizing committee for the IV International Forensic Statistics Conference, to be held in 1999.
It is difficult to come up with a set of general rules for co-sponsorship of meetings. Clearly, issues related to timing and venue will often be out of our control, and the decision to lend ISBA's name should be made at each instance, depending on criteria including: (1) quality and appropriateness; (2) whether the conference theme is of potential interest to ISBA membership; (3) timing; (4) who the other co-sponsoring organizations are.
ISBA should be selective about granting co-sponsorship, and actively participate in the organization of the meeting and in the meeting itself once a decision to co-sponsor has been reached by the Board. Ideally, ISBA members should: (1) participate in the organizing committee of any meeting ISBA is co-sponsoring, and (2) be encouraged to present talks at the meeting. To ensure that ISBA can be an active player in the organization of the meeting, we will only consider requests for sponsorship received no later than 10 months to a year prior to the meeting time.
Recommendation 6: That the decision to co-sponsor be based on a set of criteria that includes (1) quality and appropriateness; (2) potential interest to ISBA membership; (3) timing. ISBA will only consider requests for sponsorship received no later than 10 months to a year prior to the meeting time; (4) who the other co-sponsoring organizations are.
Informing our membership:
Once the Program Committee, in consultation with the Executive Board, finalizes a document that outlines the rules for organizing and co-sponsoring meetings, the document's content will need to be summarized for the membership. The Program Committee will be primarily responsible for writing, for the next issues of the ISBA Newsletter, articles containing the following information: