I*nternational S*ociety for B*ayesian A*nalysis

ISBA 2000


The next ISBA world meeting will be held in the year 2000, in a location still to be decided. At this time, the Program Committee has received four venue proposals, with differing levels of specificity and differing amounts of financial commitment (ranging from none to over U$55,000). All four sites are exciting, and choosing just one will not be an easy task.

The four proposed sites to date are the following:

London, ENGLAND:
The INFORMS Bayesian Decision Analysis group has proposed London as the venue for ISBA 2000. The group would like to co-sponsor ISBA 2000, and to include, as part of the conference activities, a pilgrimage to the Rev. Thomas Bayes' grave.
The Department of Statistics of the Universidad Simon Bolivar has offered to host ISBA 2000.
Santiago, CHILE:
The newly created Chile Chapter of ISBA, in cooperation with the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, has proposed Chile as the venue for ISBA 2000. The conference would also celebrate the launching of the new PhD program in Statistics of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica.
Delphi, GREECE:
EUROSTAT has proposed to co-sponsor ISBA 2000, and to hold the meeting in Delphi, by the Oracle. A portion of the invited program would then be dedicated to issues related to government statistics.
The Program Committee would like to invite the ISBA mem- bership to submit additional venue proposals, and to make comments or suggestions about the sites proposed. We have set November 15, 1997, as the deadline for submitting new proposals, but of course inquiries and comments will be welcome any time.

If you would like to propose an alternative venue for ISBA 2000, please write to Alicia Carriquiry, ISBA Program Chair, at alicia@iastate.edu before November 15. In your message, be specific about place and potential co-sponsors, financial support available (only local funds) and also give a short justification for the proposed site.

If you are thinking about proposing a site for ISBA 2000, we encourage you to refer to the ISBA Program Committee Report on meetings, that was published in the last ISBA Newsletter and that is also available on the ISBA webpage: https://omega0.xyz/omega8008/isba and that provides the guidelines that the Committee will use to recommend venues for ISBA world meetings.

The venues that have been proposed so far offer a wide range of exciting opportunities for the ISBA membership. However, we are still looking forward to hearing about alternative sites for ISBA 2000, so please submit your proposal by the November 15 deadline.

ISBA Program Committee.

webmaster <carlos@math.albany.edu>
Last modified: Tue Oct 21 17:03:41 EDT 1997