
I@nternational S@ociety for B@ayesian A@nalysis

Submitting a Paper to bayes-an

This is an online fill-out form for submitting a paper to the Bayesian Analysis E-Print Archive. Add the neccesary fields and press the SUBMIT button at the end.

After pressing SUBMIT you will be shown the information that you entered but now in the format required for submission via email to bayes-an@xxx.lanl.gov

Grab the header (i.e. save the document to a file or cut and paste with the mouse). Then use E-mail as usual to send a single message to bayes-an@xxx.lanl.gov with the subject "put" (without the quotes) with the header followed by your paper. Your paper could be in any format and it may be a whole directory containing different parts, PostScript figures, programs, etc.. in which case we STRONGLY recommend using the uufiles script.

But wait! it can really be MUCH EASIER. For completly automagical interaction with the bayes-an archives read THIS
